Welcome to Bored Octopus Club

Bored Octopus Club NFTs unique Octopus to own on the Polygon Blockchain. Total Supply 10946 (Fibonacci Number).

About Bored Octopus Club

Bored Octopus Club NFTs are all programmatically generated from 90+ possible traits, including skins, eyes, hats, mouths, necklaces and more. This random process ensures each Bored Octopus absolute uniqueness. Total generated 10946 NFTs (fibonacci numbers sequence).


All Bored Octopus is cool by default. We insert something really unique: Unicorn Head, Trippy Skin, 3 Types of Cyborgs (Silver, Gold, Black) and 5 Hidden Gems (Amethyst, Aquamarine, Emerald, Ruby, Sapphire). You can get Hidden Gems every 6 minted and Super Rare every 20 minted.


Our vision is support the growth of the NFT community and ecosystem. By NFT staking, holders contribute to the overall health of the network and help increase exposure to new projects.

3 exclusive Collections

We have developed 3 exclusive Collections
1. Bored Octopus Club
2. The Secret Island
3. Baby Octo (on progress)

Bored Octopus Club NFTs Minting

2.5 Matic per NFT
Total Supply 10946 BOCL
80% Minted

The Secret Island NFTs Minting

2 Matic per NFT
Total Supply 987 TSI
75% Minted

Contact us

Do you have any questions? Looking for technical support?
Would you like to join to Bored Octopus Club team?
There are many ways to contact us.